Purchase of Multi Wheeler
Tender Category:
Tender Number:
Submit offer by Email, as per Tender Document
Tender Issue Start Date:
Tender Issue End Date:
07/06/2024 11:00
Bid Closing Date:
22/06/2024 11:00
Bond Validity:
150 Day(s)
Offer Validity:
150 Day(s)
Scope of Work/Description
Purchase of Multi Wheeler
Tender Instructions
All published tenders are available for download within the Tender Issue period indicated against each Open Tender. No tenders will be available for download after the expiration of the Tender Issue period. Only bidders who are able to purchase the document will have the access to view and download the tender package after the Tender Issue period until the Bid Closing date. Qatalum reserves the right, in its own discretion, to set and revise Tender Issue periods. Bidders may refer to this web-page regularly for up to date information on Qatalum’s Tenders, Issue Period, Bid Closing Date and other pertinent information.